Discover What the Universe Has in Store for You with a New Moon Tarot Spread

Explore the mystical powers of the New Moon by doing a New Moon Tarot spread which will help you unlock insights from the universe and give you divine guidance to help you on your spiritual path.

New Moon Tarot Spread Introduction

Tarot has been used for centuries as a tool for divination and self-discovery. Did you know that tarot actually has a long history dating back to the 15th century in Europe? The cards were originally used for playing card games but eventually evolved into a tool for divination and spiritual exploration!

When you do a tarot spread during a New Moon this card reading can be a powerful tool that can help you get clear on setting intentions and manifesting your deepest desires. 

In this blog, you’ll learn about how to do a New Moon Tarot Spread, what you need to do to prepare, be provided with New Moon tarot spread journal prompts, and more.

Best of all… you don’t need to be a tarot reader. Anyone can do a New Moon Tarot spread!

New Moon Tarot Spread

Understanding the Power of the New Moon Tarot Spread and How to Read the Cards

The New Moon is a powerful time in astrology and tarot. It represents new beginnings, fresh starts, and the planting of seeds for future growth. A New Moon tarot spread can help you harness this energy and set intentions for the coming lunar cycle.

The New Moon tarot spread consists of pulling 3 cards from your tarot deck – each card represents a different aspect of your life. 

This three-card new moon tarot spread is a twist on the three-card story method that I learned during my time in Shaman school. 

The focus of the 3 card tarot spread is a little different from a normal tarot card pull because it’s not about researching the meaning of the cards and figuring out how they relate to your life – it’s about looking at the imagery on the cards.

When you look at the cards, notice what jumps out at you – colors, numbers, symbols, words, or characters. Then, think about why these resonate with you. Do they have specific meaning for you? What story do the images tell?

For example, the 9 of Pentacles card in a classic tarot deck is a woman wearing a gown, holding a bird, with coins all around her. I love to see this card show up in a reading because the imagery feels like a woman who is peaceful, happy, and enjoying her abundance. And, I notice lots of yellow and red – two colors I associate with fire element and the spark of spirit, creativity, and joy. When I see this card, I think, “this is a woman who’s grounded and in her power.” It’s not about the classic meaning of the card but the story in what I see.

3-Card New Moon Tarot Spread

When you pull the first card, the image on the card will be the beginning of the story that all three cards together will tell you. 

The first card tells you what you need to direct your energy toward in the upcoming lunar cycle. 

The second card tells how you can support yourself during this lunar cycle and answer the question of what you need to do to achieve your intentions. 

The third card tells you a message that you need to know. 

If you’re new to tarot or want deck recommendations, these are a few of my personal favorites:

The Rider Tarot Deck (Classic)

Mystic Mondays Tarot: A Deck for the Modern Mystic

The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck

New Moon Tarot Spread

How to Prepare Yourself for a Tarot Reading

Before you begin a tarot reading, preparing your mind and energy is essential. Take some time to meditate, ground yourself, and set your intention for the reading. 

It is also essential to be open and receptive to the messages of the cards. Try to approach the reading with a sense of curiosity and wonder, rather than a need for specific answers. 

Also, before you begin, have a journal and pen - you’ll want to journal about what each card and the images mean for you. 

  • What to Expect from a New Moon Tarot Reading

The New Moon tarot spread can provide insights and guidance on a variety of topics, including relationships, career, finances, and personal growth. The spread can help you gain clarity on your current situation, identify areas where you need to let go, and set intentions for the future.

During a New Moon tarot reading, you may receive unexpected or challenging messages. It is important to approach these messages with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow. Tarot cards are a divination tool that will allow you to tap into your subconscious and figure out what is blocking you from being in alignment with your highest self.

  • The Importance of Setting Intentions during a New Moon Tarot Reading

Setting intentions during a New Moon tarot reading can help you manifest your desires and achieve your goals. When setting intentions, being clear and specific about what you want to achieve is important. Focus on the feeling that you want to experience, rather than the specific outcome.

  • Using the New Moon Tarot Spread to Navigate Life's Challenges

The New Moon tarot spread can be a powerful tool for gaining clarity and guidance during difficult times. For example, if you are experiencing a challenging situation in your career, the spread can help you identify what you truly desire then help you see what what you need to embrace and what to focus on in order to move forward.

It is important to approach the spread with a sense of curiosity and openness, rather than a need for specific answers. The cards may provide unexpected insights or challenges, but these messages can ultimately help you grow and evolve.

New Moon Tarot Spread Journal Prompts

Journal prompts can be a valuable tool to enhance your tarot reading experience. Here are a couple of reasons why you might consider using journal prompts during a tarot reading:

1. Self-reflection: Tarot readings often reveal insights and guidance that can be deeply personal and thought-provoking. Journal prompts provide an opportunity for self-reflection, allowing you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the cards and the messages they convey. Writing down your responses to the prompts helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the situations you're seeking guidance on.

2. Clarity and Integration: Journaling helps you process the information received during a tarot reading. By writing down your interpretations, impressions, and emotions, you solidify your understanding and integrate the wisdom of the cards. Journal prompts encourage you to delve deeper into the meanings of the cards and explore how they relate to your life circumstances, fostering clarity and insight.

3. Enhanced Tarot Practice: Incorporating journal prompts into your tarot practice adds depth and intention to your readings. It encourages you to approach the cards with curiosity and an open mind, promoting a more active and engaging experience. Writing down your interpretations and reflections also allows you to revisit your insights later and observe how your understanding has evolved.

Ultimately, journal prompts serve as a bridge between the messages of the tarot cards and your personal experience.

They encourage self-reflection, clarity, pattern recognition, personal growth, and a deeper connection with the wisdom of the cards. By incorporating journaling into your tarot practice, you can enhance the overall effectiveness and transformative potential of your readings. 

I’ve created some special New Moon journal prompts that you can use during your tarot reading! Use the following prompts during your practice.

New Moon Journal Prompts 

  1. Where in my life am I ready for a change or a new beginning? 

  2. How am I taking care of myself? 

  3. What are my big hopes and dreams? 

  4. If I had no limitations, who would I be, and how would that look?

You can use these journal prompts for any new moon. But, if you want more specific journal prompts, you can find those in The Lunar Alignment Channel. Each lunar cycle, I give you a guidebook with journal prompts for every moon phase – aligned to the energy of the moon phase and Zodiac sign influencing the moon. This helps you attune even more to the moon’s energy.

new moon tarot spread

What is the difference between Tarot and Oracle Cards?

As someone who personally uses Oracle Cards more frequently than Tarot Cards, I think it’s important to talk about the difference between the two.

Also, I do a weekly Moon-day Oracle Card reading on my Instagram - you can find the next one here!

Tarot and oracle cards are both types of divination tools that are used for gaining insights and guidance. While they share some similarities, there are notable differences between the two:

Structure and Number of Cards:

Tarot cards: A traditional tarot deck consists of 78 cards divided into two main sections: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards representing significant archetypal energies and themes. The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles), each with 14 cards.

Oracle cards: Oracle decks come in various forms, and their structure can vary greatly. They can have any number of cards, ranging from as few as 30 to as many as 100 or more. Each card in an Oracle deck typically features a unique image and a brief message or keyword associated with it.

Symbolism and Interpretation:

Tarot cards: Tarot cards have a standardized set of symbols and archetypal imagery. Each card has its own rich symbolism and interpretation, which has been developed and refined over centuries. Tarot readers often study and learn specific meanings associated with each card and use various layouts or spreads to gain insights.

Oracle cards: Oracle decks are more flexible in terms of symbolism and interpretation. The artwork and messages on oracle cards can vary widely, as they are not bound by a specific system like tarot. Oracle cards may draw inspiration from different spiritual traditions, mythologies, or personal experiences, allowing for broader interpretations.

It's worth noting that these distinctions are not strict rules, and there can be an overlap between tarot and oracle cards. Some decks may incorporate elements from both systems or combine their unique characteristics. Ultimately, the choice between tarot and oracle cards depends on personal preference, intuitive connection, and the individual’s specific needs.

New Moon Tarot Spread

The Benefits of Incorporating Tarot into Your Spiritual Practice

Incorporating tarot into your spiritual practice can provide a variety of benefits, including increased self-awareness, clarity, and guidance. Tarot can help you connect with your intuition and gain insights into your subconscious mind.

To incorporate tarot into your spiritual practice, you can pull a daily card or do a weekly spread. You can also use tarot to set intentions, manifest your desires, and gain clarity on your path.

Crystals for a new moon tarot spread


The new moon tarot spread is a powerful tool for setting intentions and manifesting your desires. By preparing your mind and energy, interpreting the cards, and setting clear intentions, you can use the spread to gain insights and guidance on your path. Incorporating tarot into your spiritual practice can provide a variety of benefits and help you connect with your intuition and inner wisdom.

Before you go…

I want to invite you to check out the brand-new exclusive Lunar Alignment Channel!

The Lunar Alignment Channel is a space where I guide you to align with the phases of the moon - think of it as live lunar coaching!

There’s so much in the channel from journal prompts for each moon phase to moon rituals, meditations, intention-setting guides, and more! Go here to check it out!

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New Moon Tarot Spread

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