Free 7-Day Trial of the Lunar Alignment Channel

The Lunar Alignment Channel brings together ancient practices + a modern approach to use the full power of the moon and lunar astrology. When you align with the moon, you'll build unshakeable self-worth, create lasting transformation, and manifest your biggest dreams.

Magical Moon Bath Ritual

With any new moon or full moon it's the perfect time for a moon bath.

The new moon phase helps you connect with your hopes, desires, and dreams. When you want to manifest, the first step is to get clear — to see what’s possible in your life and decide what you want to call in. The full moon phase is the time for a big cosmic check-in with yourself and a time for reflection.

Below, download a Moon Bath Ritual I created just for you to do during the New Moon Phase or Full Moon phase!

Free Lunar Calendar

This digital calendar has the four major moon phase changes for every lunar cycle in the 2023 zodiac year so that you can stay up-to-date on what's happening with the moon! With this calendar, you'll always know the current moon phase and the zodiac sign that's influencing the moon's energy! 

7 Crystals to Align With the Moon

Crystals connect you more deeply with lunar energy and help you manifest .

By pairing crystals with the Zodiac sign the moon is traveling through, you can either enhance or balance out the moon’s vibes.