Full Moon in Libra 2024

Libra is the sign that's most obsessed with BALANCE and all things being even Steven. That's why it's symbolized by the scales.

 And balance is a key theme during this self-love moon phase.

The Full Moon in Libra phase is here to help you be more balanced – but not in that fluffy way you see all over instagram that tells you to just make more time for yourself, be gentler, or take a social media break.

 The Full Moon in Libra moon phase is here to help you to take a hard look at yourself and understand where your scales are tipped.

How the Full Moon in Libra will affect Your Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21 - April 19): Focus on relationships: The Full Moon in Libra will encourage you to reflect on your partnerships and find ways to enhance balance and harmony.

2. Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Career and personal life balance: Taurus will find themselves contemplating the equilibrium between their professional and personal spheres. It's a good time to reassess priorities.

3. Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Communication in relationships: Geminis will feel a heightened need for open and balanced communication in their relationships. Expressing thoughts and feelings can lead to greater harmony.

4. Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Financial harmony: The focus for Cancer will be on achieving balance and stability in financial matters. This is a good time for you to review budgets and financial plans.

5. Leo (July 23 - August 22): Self-care and relationships: Leos will find the need to find a balance between their own needs and the demands of their relationships. This full moon encourages you to do self-reflection and self-care.

6. Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Relationship dynamics: Virgos will focus on partnerships, seeking to create a harmonious environment. It's a good time to address any imbalances in relationships.

7. Libra (September 23 - October 22): Self-reflection: For Libras, this full moon will bring self-awareness and a desire for personal growth. Consider how you can achieve greater balance in your own life.

8. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Healing and closure: Scorpios will experience a need for closure and healing in past relationships. It's an opportune time to let go of emotional baggage.

9. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Social connections: Sagittarians will find themselves reassessing their social circles and seeking a balance between independence and social interactions.

10. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Career and personal life balance: Capricorns will focus on balancing career aspirations with personal life. This is a good time to set boundaries and prioritize self-care.

11. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Expanding horizons: Aquarians will feel a desire to explore new ideas and perspectives. This is a good time for personal and intellectual growth.

12. Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Emotional well-being: Pisceans will focus on emotional balance and well-being. It's a good time to engage in self-care practices and address emotional needs.

Remember, the influence of astrological events is nuanced and depends on your unique birth chart - for a more accurate and personalized interpretation and to better understand your birth chart and how the moon phases are affecting you I encourage you to book an astrology reading with me here.

What Else You Need to Know About the Full Moon in Libra

Libra is the sign of relationships. Symbolized by the scales, it brings up balance, partnership, harmony, and equanimity. Not to mention, Libra’s a bit obsessed with peace.

 And… peace starts from within – from your relationship with YOU!

 Can you think of a spiritual leader who doesn’t talk about inner peace?!? Nope, me neither! 

 That’s because your inner state creates your outer world. So, the spiritual journey to find peace starts within. Your self-love (or lack of self-love) is reflected in all of your relationships and how you engage with the world around you.

With this Full Moon in Libro think about the kind of love that you want to grow in your life.

 Your sense of self-love can show up in any interaction with others – maybe the romantic partner you choose, how you communicate with co-workers, your connection with your family, the quality of your friendships, or generally as the lens through which you see the people around you.

What’s happening inside of you directly impacts how you relate to others.

  • Shame yourself… You’ll judge.

  • Feel not good enough… You’ll create expectations and resentment.

  • Not grateful… You won’t show appreciation. (This also blocks abundance, specifically love and money.)

Now, let’s flip this around.

  • Give yourself compassion… You’ll show grace.

  • Accept your whole self… You let go of perfectionism.

  • Love yourself more… You’ll give and receive more love.

To find peace in your relationships, you have to find peace within yourself first — in your body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It's an inside job! 

Full Moon Rituals Full Moon in Libra

Balance Meditation:

  • Find a quiet space and sit in a comfortable position.

  • Light a candle and focus on its flame.

  • Close your eyes and visualize a scale, representing balance.

  • Reflect on areas of your life that may need balance and harmony.

  • Set intentions for achieving equilibrium in your relationships, work, and personal life.

2. Relationship Renewal Ceremony:

  • Write down any unresolved issues or concerns in your relationships.

  • During the full moon, burn the paper in a fireproof container, symbolizing release.

  • As the paper burns, visualize the negative energy transforming into positive, harmonious vibrations.

  • Consider reaching out to those involved in the conflicts to work towards resolution and understanding.

3. Libra-themed Altar:

  • Create a special altar dedicated to the energy of Libra.

  • Use items associated with Libra, such as scales, flowers, crystals like rose quartz (for love) and amethyst (for balance).

  • Light candles and incense to enhance the ambiance.

  • Spend time at the altar meditating or contemplating your desires for balance and harmony.

When is the next Full Moon?

The next Full Moon is the Full Moon in Scorpio April 23rd, 2024, at 4:49 pm PT

Want all the Full Moons and New Moons of 2024? Go here to see the full list.

Lunar Alignment Channel

If you loved this Full Moon in Virgo blog post and you want to move forward this year feeling more grounded, more connected to yourself and your intuition, and to create more ease and flow in your life – the moon will light the path. 

 I always say that I don't guarantee many things in life EXCEPT I will guarantee that the moon will change your life – if you let it. 

 If you're feeling the pull of the moon and want to have all the lunar knowledge available to you I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get in the flow.

Join me and the lunar-loving community in the Lunar Alignment Channel – where I'm your host, guide, and peer as you align with the phases of the moon. 

 The Lunar Alignment Channel is an online platform that I created to be a one-stop shop for all things lunar astrology. And, it's available on demand 24/7 wherever you are –online or with the Lunar Alignment apps.

 A basic membership includes:  

→ Lunar cycle overview video – your monthly moon forecast so you know what's coming

→ Weekly videos so you never miss a moon phase change

→ Ongoing video updates about cosmic events like eclipses, retrogrades, and supermoons

→ Downloadable guidebook with intention setting, journaling prompts, and suggested rituals for that lunar cycle

→ Guidance on spiritual topics and answers to questions from the community, including deep dives into what you want to know 

 And even more! 

 And, it's only $9.99 per month. Not sure about you, but that's less than I spend in one morning at a coffee shop. 

 Aligning with the moon should be easy and enjoyable – not complicated and overwhelming. I used to spend hours down the Google rabbit hole, just trying to figure out what was happening with the moon and confused about how to use the moon to manifest.

 I created the Lunar Alignment Channel so you can focus on YOU and your lunar practice.

 You don't have to worry about what to do or when to do it. I'll give you all the information you need. 

 The Lunar Alignment Channel allows you to structure your spiritual journey and go deeper with processes and principles of lunar living – to use moon energy, astrology, and ancient practices for manifestation on a beautifully curated digital platform that meets you where you are – anytime, anywhere. 

 I can't wait to see where the journey with the moon takes you - I know it's going to be magical! 

Sign up for the Lunar Alignment Channel here!


New Moon in Aries 2024


New Moon in Pisces 2024