Full Moon in Cancer

The final full moon of 2023 is the Full Moon in Cancer, and this is the lunation of emotional release. What a way to end the year!

And, this Full Moon in Cancer comes right after the Winter Solstice — the shortest day of the year. The days begin getting longer after the Winter Solstice — reminding us that brighter days are ahead.

Cancer is the sign of home and family, so it calls you to look at your physical space, family life, and generational or ancestral healing. You're not alone if you've been feeling ALL the feels over the last few days. This sensitive full moon is bringing emotions to the surface to help you understand what you need to let go of before the year ends.

Emotional release is hard work, and this moon phase can leave you feeling exhausted, frustrated, anxious, or even make you want to break down sobbingtry to find an activity you can do for a quick energy shift such as dancing or going to a walk.

What You Need to Know About the Full Moon in Cancer

During all full moons, your inner world is activated – your emotions and intuition are heightened. This is even more true with the Full Moon in Cancer.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon. In astrology, the Moon rules your inner world and is directly associated with the Divine Feminine. It's the Zodiac's mother energy – nurturing, sensitive, and emotional. 

 Cancer is the sign of Home & Family –  the sign that rules where you live, your relationships with your family members (and chosen family), and your sense of belonging.

 Cancer lunations are very introspective, so here are a few questions for you to ponder for the Full Moon in Cancer… 

  • Your physical home – What is your dream home? Where is your dream home? What changes do you want to make to your home or location this year?

  • Your family – Who do you consider family – blood relatives and those you consider family? Which relationships are supportive? Which relationships need boundaries or culling? Again, what changes do you want to make this year?

  • Your sense of belonging – What do you need to feel at home in a place? When do you feel most connected in a community? How do you feel at home within yourself?

(Binge-journal or take one section at a time over the next few days, but I highly recommend you free-write about these questions.) 

Pay careful attention to what comes up this week around Cancer's themes of home, family, and belonging. These themes will continue to come up all the way until the next full moon. Things may feel foggy or clouded by emotions now, but they'll become clearer in the coming weeks – especially after Mercury Retrograde ends.

During this moon phase, whatever makes you feel sad/mad/frustrated/anxious/icky is there to show you what you're ready to release. And, whatever makes you feel joyful/excited/hopeful/happy is tells you what to celebrate and lights the path forward.

The Full Moon in Cancer means that it’s time to cry, sweat, bathe, swim, or visit a body of water – use the power of water to wash away whatever holds you back from being the best version of you.

And, looking back – 2023 had TWO Full Moons in Cancer – the first and last full moons of the year. This means that you may notice conclusions to things that started at the beginning of the year or recurring themes linked to January 2023.

Full circle.

Winter Solstice

The Full Moon in Cancer is the first full moon after the Winter Solstice, which happens this year on December 21.

The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year – the day when the Earth is farthest from the sun. It has the fewest hours of sunlight all year, and it marks the first day of winter.

The Winter Solstice occurs when the North Pole is tilted farthest away from the sun. As a result, the sun appears at its lowest point in the sky at noon, and daylight hours are at their minimum. After the winter solstice, the days gradually get longer as the North Pole begins tilting back towards the sun. In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice happens around December 21, and the winter solstice occurs around June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere.

In astrology, the winter solstice is significant because it marks a key point in the annual cycle of the sun and has symbolic implications based on astrological and esoteric traditions. Here are a few reasons why the winter solstice holds importance in astrology:

1. Sun's Transition into Capricorn: The winter solstice occurs when the sun enters the zodiac sign of Capricorn. In astrology, each zodiac sign is associated with specific qualities and characteristics. Capricorn is linked to qualities such as discipline, responsibility, and ambition. As the sun moves into Capricorn, it's believed to influence the collective energy and themes associated with this sign.

2. Symbolic Rebirth of the Sun: The winter solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It marks the point when the sun appears to stand still before gradually reversing its apparent direction. Symbolically, this moment is often seen as a time of rebirth or renewal, as the days begin to lengthen again. Many cultures and spiritual traditions celebrate this time as a metaphorical return of the light.

3. Energetic Shifts: The solstices and equinoxes are times of energetic shifts and transitions. The winter solstice, in particular, is thought to be a time when the energy is more introspective and reflective, aligning with the qualities traditionally associated with Capricorn.

On the Winter Solstice, we spend the most time in darkness. Let this be a reminder that the phases of dark and light are both important.

Although the winter energy is quiet, it's deep and potent.  

There's work going on within rest – it's nourishing and strengthening you for your emergence in spring.

Cancer Zodiac Sign

Watery Cancer is the most sensitive sign of the Zodiac. It's a water sign, and it's ruled by the moon, which is also associated with the water element. You're getting a huge dose of water energy to wash away what holds you back.

During this full moon, you may feel a lot coming up around your physical home and your family relationships. Emotions are the language of manifestation, so focus on how you'll feel when your home and family dreams come true. Let go of whatever is not that.

Crystal Recommendation for Full Moon in Cancer

Moonstone is like a direct line to lunar energy. It powerfully connects you with the Divine Feminine and helps you to understand messages from your emotions and intuition. 

  • Inner Growth

  • Divine Feminine

  • Inspiration

  • Intuition

  • Good Fortune

Moonstone also comes in a variety of colors (i.e. black, pink, green), and each color brings its own magic.

Crystals for Cancer Zodiac Sign

For Cancer, which is associated with those born between June 21 and July 22, the following crystals are often recommended:

1. Moonstone: The moonstone is strongly connected to the moon and is believed to bring calmness and balance to the emotional nature of Cancer individuals. It is thought to enhance intuition and promote a sense of protection.

2. Pearl: Pearls are associated with the Moon and are considered beneficial for Cancerians. They are believed to promote emotional balance, enhance intuition, and provide a sense of calmness.

3. Carnelian: This stone is associated with the element of water and is believed to help Cancer individuals balance their emotions. It is thought to provide courage, energy, and motivation.

Full Moon in Cancer Full Moon Bath Ritual

The Full Moon in Cancer is the perfect time to do a full moon bath ritual.

A full moon bath ritual during a Full Moon in Cancer can be a meaningful and intentional practice for several reasons, combining elements of astrology, symbolism, and self-care. Here are some reasons you should do a Full Moon in Cancer Bath Ritual

1. Astrological Significance: Cancer is a water sign, associated with emotions, intuition, and the home. The Full Moon in Cancer is believed to amplify these qualities, making it an opportune time for rituals that involve water and emotions.

2. Emotional Release: Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which is often associated with emotions. The Full Moon is seen as a time of culmination and release. Taking a bath during this time can symbolize cleansing and letting go of emotional baggage, stress, or negative energy.

3. Connection with Lunar Energy: The Full Moon is a potent time to connect with lunar energy and harness its power. Bathing in moonlight during this phase may be seen as a way to absorb and amplify positive lunar energies.

4. Nurturing and Self-Care: Cancer is known for its nurturing and caring qualities. A bath ritual during the Full Moon in Cancer can be seen as a form of self-care, providing an opportunity to nurture oneself and promote emotional well-being.

A Full Moon in Cancer bath ritual, is a beautiful and intentional way to engage in self-care and spiritual practices.

Here’s a moon bath ritual for you to try during this time.

Full Moon Affirmations

Speak out loud or journal these powerful Full Moon Affirmations to focus your intentions and harness the energy of the moon.

Here are 10 full moon affirmations that you can use:

  • I am open to receiving the abundant blessings the universe has to offer, and I am grateful for the positive changes flowing into my life during this full moon

  • I release all that no longer serves me. With the light of the full moon, I let go of negativity and welcome positive transformation

  • I am a beacon of light, and my energy attracts love, joy, and prosperity. As the moon shines, so does my inner radiance

  • The energy of the full moon cleanses my mind, body, and spirit. I am renewed, revitalized, and aligned with my higher self

  • I trust in the process of life. With the full moon's energy, I release fear and embrace the unknown, knowing that I am supported by the universe

  • My intentions are powerful, and they manifest easily in the energy of the full moon. I am co-creating the life of my dreams with the universe

  • I am in tune with the natural cycles of life. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, my life unfolds in perfect harmony, and I am in sync with the divine timing of the universe

  • I am a magnet for positive energy, and I attract opportunities that align with my highest purpose. With the full moon, I amplify my magnetic energy

  • The full moon illuminates my path and reveals hidden insights. I am open to receiving guidance and trusting my intuition as I navigate my journey

  • I am a vessel of love and light. As the full moon radiates its glow, I shine my light brightly, spreading love, kindness, and positivity to those around me

When using affirmations, it's essential to repeat them with sincerity and belief. You can say them out loud, write them down, or even create a mantra that resonates with you. The key is to infuse your affirmations with positive intention and openness to receive the energy of the full moon.

Full Moon Lunar Infused Tea

Sip on a lunar infused tea under the Cancer Full Moon (or any full moon phase) and allow this gentle energy to nurture your soul and enchance your intuition. Try this full moon tea recipe -


- 1-2 teaspoons of your favorite loose tea blend (such as chamomile, lavender, or a calming herbal mix)

- Moonstone or clear quartz crystal (cleansed and charged)

- Filtered water

- Optional: Honey or sweetener of choice, lemon slices for flavor


1. Choose the Right Night: Ideally, choose the night of the Full Moon or a night close to it. Place your tea in a glass jar or teapot to be exposed to the moonlight.

2. Cleanse and Charge the Crystal: Cleanse your crystal under running water or by smudging it with sage or palo santo. Charge the crystal by placing it in the moonlight for a few hours before brewing your tea.

3. Set Your Intentions: Before you begin, take a moment to set your intentions for the tea. Focus on qualities you wish to cultivate, emotions you want to release, or any specific goals you have.

4. Brew the Tea: Boil the filtered water and let it cool for a minute or two. Place the loose tea in a tea infuser or directly into the teapot. Pour the hot water over the tea leaves. Add the cleansed and charged moonstone or clear quartz crystal to the tea.

5. Infuse Under the Moonlight: Place the jar or teapot in an area where it can be exposed to the moonlight. If it's not possible to put it outdoors, position it near a window where the moon is visible.

6. Moon Bath: Allow the tea to steep under the moonlight for at least 1-3 hours. You can leave it overnight for a more potent infusion.

7. Strain and Serve:After the infusion period, strain the tea to remove the tea leaves and crystals. Add honey or sweetener if desired. Pour the tea into your favorite cup or mug.

8. Sip Mindfully: As you sip your lunar-infused tea, take a moment to reflect on your intentions. Enjoy the flavors and the energy you've infused into the tea.

When is the Next Full Moon?

The next Full Moon is the Full Moon in Leo on January 25th, 2024.


The Full Moon in Cancer with its watery essence and intuitive touch, invites you to immerse yourself in the introspective tides of your emotions.

This celestial event serves as a reminder that, like the moon, you too undergo phases of growth and transformation. The nurturing qualities of Cancer encourage you to create a sacred space within yourself a haven where emotions are acknowledged, embraced, and allowed to flow freely.

May the energy of the Cancer Full Moon continue to ripple through your life, inspiring moments of introspection, connection, and a profound sense of home within yourself. Embrace the ebb and flow of your own emotional tides, for within them lies the magic of self-discovery and growth.


New Moon in Capricorn 2024


Decoding the Mysteries: Understanding Mercury Retrograde Effects