Decoding the Mysteries: Understanding Mercury Retrograde Effects

Since my focus is lunar astrology – aka what's happening with the moon – I give special attention to cosmic events that overlap the moon's energy. Like lunar cycles, retrogrades influence your emotions and inner world. 

 And I have a lot to say about Mercury Retrograde… 

What is Mercury Retrograde?

During a retrograde, the planet appears from Earth to be spinning backward. When this happens, the planet's energy turns inward – to your inner world. Retrogrades help you to make sure that your inner and outer worlds are aligned. 

 All planets retrograde, but Mercury Retrograde (Merc Rx) gets talked about most. Why is that?!? 

  • The planet Mercury rules communication, travel, technology, and business affairs, so disruptions caused by Merc Retrograde are often very obvious and very inconvenient.

  • Mercury Retrograde is the most frequent retrograde – it happens 3 times a year, and each retrograde lasts about 3 weeks.

  • If it feels like you spend about half of the year in Mercury Retrograde, that's actually not far off. “Retroshade” or the 2-week shadow period before and after means that you can feel the effects of each Mercury Retrograde for about 7 weeks total.

Is Mercury Retrograde Bad?

It's not about whether it's good or bad – there are no cosmic accidents, and Merc Rx comes 3 times a year to remind you to slow down.

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and it orbits quickly (88 days). And, in mythology, Mercury is the fastest of all the gods and wears a winged hat and winged shoes. These are good ways to remember that Mercurial energy is quick and forward-moving when the planet is direct – its non-retrograde state. Being retrograde creates a change in momentum. 

 Mercury Retrograde is “SLOW DOWN MEDICINE." 

 When you're rushing around, interruptions to your pace can be extremely frustrating, and being “go-go-go” and always on the move makes it difficult to act with discernment and purpose. I look at Merc Rx as a time of universal guidance to downshift and focus on "RE” words – respond, reflect, revisit, refresh, repurpose, rediscover, redefine, rethink, etc. 

 Merc Rx is not here to ruin your life. It's here to help you recalibrate – to make sure that you're not rushing past important details.

 For the next 3 weeks (and in the 2 weeks of retroshade after), don't let Merc Rx get the best of you. Try to reframe disruptions in communication, technology, travel, or business affairs as Mercurial reminders to slow your roll.  

Mercury Retrograde Dates 2024

December 13th 2023 to January 1st 2024

April 1st to April 24th 2024

August 4 to August 27th 2024

November 25th to December 15th 2024

What is the shadow period in Mercury Retrograde?

The shadow period of Mercury retrograde refers to the time before and after the actual retrograde period when the planet Mercury appears to be moving in reverse. While Mercury retrograde itself typically lasts about three weeks, the shadow period extends the influence of the retrograde cycle.

The shadow period has two phases:

1. Pre-shadow Period: This is the period leading up to the official start of Mercury retrograde. During this time, Mercury begins to slow down in its normal forward motion, entering the degrees of the zodiac that it will later revisit during the retrograde period. The issues associated with Mercury retrograde may start to surface, but they are not as pronounced as during the actual retrograde.

2. Post-shadow Period: This is the period following the official end of Mercury retrograde. Mercury begins to move forward again through the degrees it covered during the retrograde. The issues that arose during the retrograde period may still need resolution or further attention. However, as Mercury gains speed in its direct motion, things generally start to return to normal.

The entire Mercury retrograde cycle, including the pre-shadow, retrograde, and post-shadow periods, can last around two and a half months. During the shadow periods, it's advisable to be mindful of potential challenges related to communication, technology, travel, and decision-making, even though the effects may not be as intense as during the retrograde itself. It's a good time to be cautious, double-check details, and avoid making major decisions if possible.

Crystals for Mercury Retrograde

Crystals connect us to natural earth energy. Stone medicine is an ages-old healing technique. There are aesthetic, scientific, and mystical benefits and they bring a bit of magic into our lives. In various spiritual and alternative healing practices, people often turn to crystals for support during challenging times such as Mercury retrograde. I love crystals and recommend them to everyone! Here are some crystals that will be beneficial during Mercury Retrograde:

1. Aquamarine: Often associated with communication and soothing energy, aquamarine is believed to help ease misunderstandings and enhance clarity.

2. Amethyst: Known for its calming and protective properties, amethyst may assist in reducing stress and promoting a sense of balance.

3. Blue Lace Agate: This crystal is associated with clear communication and is believed to help with expression, especially during times when communication may be challenging.

4. Black Tourmaline: Thought to have protective qualities, black tourmaline is often used to shield against negative energies and promote grounding.

5. Lepidolite: Known for its calming energy, lepidolite is associated with emotional balance and stress relief, making it potentially helpful during periods of increased tension.

Crystal medicine is all about intuition. The crystal chooses you when it connects with something in your energetic field. Energetically picking is my recommended (and favorite) method because you connect directly with your inner guidance system.

Crystals for Sagittarius

Is your zodiac sign Sagittarius? I’ve got all the crystal recommendations for you. For Sagittarius, which is typically associated with traits like optimism, exploration, and independence, the following crystals are for you:

1. Turquoise: Often associated with Sagittarius, turquoise is believed to enhance the adventurous and optimistic nature of this sign. It's also thought to bring protection and good luck.

2. Lapis Lazuli: Known for its deep blue color, lapis lazuli is associated with wisdom and truth. It is believed to support the intellectual and philosophical aspects of Sagittarius.

3. Topaz: Topaz is considered a stone of joy and abundance. It is associated with enhancing positive energy and promoting a sense of well-being, aligning with Sagittarius' optimistic nature.

New Moon in Sagittarius

A new moon is always a new beginning - it’s time to think about what needs to end so you can start anew.

New Moon in Sagittarius will have some specific themes attached to it that will play out. The first thing to know is that Sagittarius is the sign of expansion and this zodiac sign is the eternal optimist and encourages you to stay open to possiblity.

Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, and it is associated with qualities such as optimism, adventure, exploration, and a quest for knowledge and truth.

Here are some potential themes that will be associated with a new moon in Sagittarius:

1. Adventurous Beginnings: Sagittarius is known for its love of adventure and exploration. The new moon in Sagittarius may inspire a sense of curiosity and a desire to embark on new journeys, whether they are physical travels or intellectual pursuits.

2. Optimistic Intentions: Sagittarius is an optimistic and forward-looking sign. This new moon may encourage setting positive intentions for the future and focusing on what brings joy and enthusiasm.

3. Seeking Truth: Sagittarius is associated with the pursuit of truth and higher knowledge. This lunar phase could be a time for self-discovery, learning, and expanding one's understanding of the world.

4. Freedom and Independence: Sagittarius values freedom and independence. The new moon in this sign may prompt a desire for more autonomy in various areas of life.

New Moon Affirmations

Here are 10 New Moon Affirmations for you to utilize during this New Moon in Sagittarius! And I also wrote a blog on how to do a New Moon Tarot spread and New Moon Rituals you can try during this last new moon of 2023. Get the New Moon Tarot Spread here and the New Moon Rituals here.

Affirmations can be powerful tools to focus your intentions and align your energy with the energy of the new moon. Here are ten affirmations that you may find helpful during a new moon:

1. I welcome new beginnings and embrace the opportunities they bring into my life.

2. My mind is clear, and I am ready to release anything that no longer serves my highest good.

3. I trust the journey ahead, and I am open to the adventures and experiences that come my way.

4. I am a magnet for positive energy, and I attract abundance in all areas of my life.

5. My heart is open to love, and I welcome meaningful connections into my life.

6. I trust in the process of life and know that everything unfolds at the perfect time for me.

7. I release fear and doubt, allowing space for confidence and self-assurance to grow within me.

8. I am aligned with my purpose, and I am guided by the wisdom within me.

9. I am grateful for the lessons of the past and excited for the opportunities of the future.

10. I am a co-creator of my reality, and I consciously choose thoughts that manifest positive outcomes.

Sagittarius New Moon Journal Prompts

  • What does it mean for me to EXPAND THE VISION OF MY LIFE?

  • What needs to end for me to step into this expanded vision?

  • What's a time I took a risk in the last year? How did it turn out?

  • How have my intentions shifted and/or manifested this year?

When is the next New Moon?

The next new moon is happening in 2024 - it will be the New Moon in Capricorn happening on January 11th, 2024.

Never miss a New Moon or Full Moon - get your New Moon and Full Moon FREE Digital Calendar here

Take care of yourself during this Mercury Retrograde and get ready for Mercury Retrograde in 2024!


Full Moon in Cancer


Full Moon in Gemini