Full Moon and New Moon Rituals: How to Use Lunar Cycles for Manifestation

The moon has long been associated with a sense of magic and mystery. The lunar cycles, which include the full moon, waxing moon, waning moon, and new moon, have a profound impact on our emotions and energy.

By harnessing the moon's power and setting clear intentions, you can manifest the life you desire.

You can use these full moon and new moon rituals to tap into the energy of the moon and amplify your intentions. When you set clear and specific intentions, you are telling the universe what you want to attract into your life. 

Full moon and new moon rituals can be as simple or elaborate as you like but the key is to create a sacred space where you can connect with your intentions and release any blocks or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.

Understanding the Power of the Full Moon and New Moon

The Full Moon is a time of heightened energy and illumination. It is a time when the moon is fully illuminated by the sun, and its power is at its peak. Symbolically, the full moon represents completion, abundance, and manifestation. It is a time when you can see clearly and gain insight into your desires and goals.

The full moon also has a profound impact on your emotions and energy. Many people experience heightened emotions during this time, as the energy of the full moon can bring buried emotions to the surface. This can be both challenging and transformative, as it allows you to release what no longer serves you and make space for new beginnings.

The New Moon has a gentle, soft energy that invites you to explore your inner world.

During the new moon phase, you may feel quieter or more reflective than usual. Your intuition and emotions are heightened but in an inward way. If you get quiet and listen — you may hear what Oprah calls “whispers from the universe.”

These whispers are guidance from your highest self and the voice of your intuition.

The new moon phase helps you connect with your hopes, desires, and dreams. When you want to manifest, the first step is to get clear — to see what’s possible in your life and decide what you want to call in.

The new moon is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. It is a time for you to set new intentions and plant the seeds for what you want to manifest in your life. This is a great time to visualize your desires, create vision boards, and set goals for the upcoming lunar cycle.

If you want to learn more about the other phases of the moon and what they mean for you go here.

How to Set New Moon Intentions

Setting intentions during the new moon is common in many spiritual and personal growth traditions. The new moon is a great time to set goals, intentions, and manifestations for the upcoming lunar cycle. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set new moon intentions:

1. Choose the Right Time: New moon energy is most potent within the first 48 hours of the new moon. You can find the exact timing of all the new moon phases of 2023 and what astrological sign the new moon and full moon phase is associated with in my FREE 2023 New Moon and Full Moon Calendar.

2. Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. You can enhance the atmosphere with candles, incense, crystals, or any other items that hold personal significance to you.

3. Reflect and Release: Before setting new intentions, take some time to reflect on the previous lunar cycle. Consider what you achieved, what you learned, and what you want to release or let go of. Write down anything that you want to release on a piece of paper.

4. Set Clear Intentions: Think about what you want to manifest or achieve during the upcoming lunar cycle. Your intentions should be specific, positive, and focused on what you truly desire. Write your intentions down on a separate piece of paper.

5. Use Affirmative Language: When writing your intentions, use affirmative language as if you're stating that your desires are already happening. For example, say "I am" or "I have" instead of "I will."

6. Visualize: Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Visualize your intentions as if they are already happening. Feel the emotions associated with achieving your goals. Imagine yourself living your intentions fully.

7. Charge Your Intentions: Hold the paper with your intentions and infuse it with your energy. You can do this by speaking your intentions aloud or silently, and really feeling the energy behind your words.

8. Release and Trust: Once you've charged your intentions, you can choose to keep the paper in a place where you can see it regularly or you can bury it in the earth as a way of releasing the intentions to the universe. Trust that the universe is working to bring your intentions to fruition.

9. Take Action: While setting intentions is powerful, it's essential to take concrete steps toward your goals. Use the energy of the new moon to plan and initiate actions that align with your intentions.

10. Stay Open and Patient: Manifestation takes time. Be patient and stay open to opportunities and synchronicities that align with your intentions.

Remember that setting intentions during the new moon is a personal and meaningful practice. Customize the process to resonate with your beliefs and values. Whether you follow a specific ritual, meditate, journal, or simply speak your intentions aloud, the key is to engage with the process wholeheartedly and with a positive mindset.

5 Full Moon Rituals

  1. Moon Water Ritual: Place a container of water outside under the full moon to charge it with the moon's energy. Use this moon-charged water for drinking, cleansing rituals, or watering plants. To watch an in-depth video tutorial on how to do a moon water ritual you can go here.

  2. Moon Oracle or Tarot Reading: Use moon-themed oracle cards or tarot cards for guidance and insight during the full moon. Draw cards to gain insight into the energies at play in your life.

  3. Charging Crystals: If you use crystals, you can place them outside under the light of the full moon to cleanse and recharge them. Speak your intentions aloud as you place the crystals in the moonlight. If you want a guide to the best crystals to use get my FREE guide here.

  4. Fire Release or Water Release Ritual: Write down what you want to release or let go of on a piece of paper. Go outside and safely burn the paper, visualizing the release of those energies as the paper turns to ash. Alternatively, write down what you want to release or let go of on a piece of paper. Go outside and put the paper into a body of water and say, “So it is.” For a video tutorial on how to do this, you can go here.

  5. Moon Gazing Ritual: Meditate while concentrating your gaze on a single point of focus – the full moon.

5 New Moon Rituals

  1. New Moon Bath Ritual: With any new moon it's the perfect time for a moon bath. The new moon phase helps you connect with your hopes, desires, and dreams. When you want to manifest, the first step is to get clear — to see what’s possible in your life and decide what you want to call in. Download a 3-Ingredient Moon Bath Ritual I created just for you to do during the New Moon Phase! Get it here.

  2. Vision Board Creation: Create a vision board by cutting out images and words that represent your intentions from magazines or printing them from the internet. Arrange these on a board to create a visual representation of your goals.

  3. Candle Ritual: Light a white or silver candle to symbolize the new moon’s energy. As you light it, state your intentions aloud or silently. Watch the flame as you visualize your intentions manifesting.

  4. New Moon Manifesting Ritual: Create an altar that represents what you want to manifest - the altar then becomes a physical representation of your desires. Don’t just make the altar and forget - work with the altar throughout the lunar cycle. The altar you create is an anchor for the physical world - you can add and subtract things from the altar.

  5. Affirmation Ritual: Create positive affirmations that align with your intentions. Repeat these affirmations daily throughout the lunar cycle to reinforce your goals. These are some of my favorite affirmations to use during the new moon phase -

  • "I welcome new beginnings and embrace the opportunities they bring."

  • "I release what no longer serves me, making space for fresh and positive energy."

  • "I am open to receiving the abundance that the universe has in store for me."

  • "I trust in the timing of my life, knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly."

  • "I am a magnet for positive change and transformation in my life."

Remember to say these affirmations with intention and belief. It can be helpful to repeat them daily to amplify their effectiveness.

How to Use Crystals for Manifestation

Crystals have long been used for their healing and manifestation properties. They are believed to hold specific energies that can help to amplify our intentions and attract what we desire into our lives.

There are many different crystals and gemstones that can be used during the full moon for manifestation. Some popular choices include clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, and moonstone. Each crystal has its own unique energy and properties, so it is important to choose one that resonates with you and your intentions. If you want a FREE guide for 7 crystals to help you manifest you can grab it here!

To use crystals for manifestation during the full moon or new moon, you can hold them in your hands while setting your intentions, place them on your altar or sacred space, or wear them as jewelry. You can also create a crystal grid by placing different crystals in a specific pattern that represents your intentions.

Incorporating Tarot and Oracle Cards Into Your New Moon and Full Moon Rituals

Tarot and oracle cards can be powerful tools for gaining insight and guidance during the new moon and full moon. They can also provide clarity and help us to tap into our intuition and inner wisdom.

To incorporate tarot and oracle cards into your full moon or new moon ritual you can choose a card or cards that represent your intentions or ask a specific question. You can then meditate on the card(s) and journal about any insights or messages that come through.

It is important to remember that tarot and oracle cards are simply tools for guidance and reflection. The messages that come through are not set in stone but rather offer guidance and support as we navigate our manifestation journey.

And If you want to know learn more about how to do a new moon tarot spread go here - I wrote a blog post about it just for you!


The full moon and lunar cycles hold a powerful energy for manifestation. By setting clear intentions, creating a full moon or new moon ritual, and incorporating different tools and practices such as crystals, tarot cards, gratitude, and releasing limiting beliefs, we can enhance our manifestation efforts and attract what we desire into our lives.

It is important to remember that manifestation is a journey and that the full and new moon is just one tool in our toolbox. By incorporating regular full moon and new moon practices into our lives, we can cultivate personal growth and development, and create a life that is aligned with our true desires. So why not give it a try? Set your intentions, create a full moon ritual, and watch as the magic unfolds.

Before you go…

I want to invite you to check out the exclusive Lunar Alignment Channel with a FREE 7-day trial!

The Lunar Alignment Channel is a space where I guide you to align with the phases of the moon - think of it as live lunar coaching and I teach you how to manifest the life of your dreams!

There’s so much in the channel from journal prompts for each moon phase to even more moon rituals to try, meditations, intention-setting guides, and more! Go here to check it out!


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